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Prana Vida

The spark of life that moves with the breath

Join The Movement Of Waking Up
One Billion People

"When One Heals 
     We All Heal "

breathwork, spiritual psychology, divine, yoga, retreat, starts, ocean, healing.jpg

You Are The One You've Been Waiting For


Breathwork is revolutionizing the wellness industry, offering a powerful tool for healing, awakening, and deep cellular reprogramming.


More than just a practice, it’s an essential modality for coaches, healers, and practitioners looking to support clients in profound transformation.


Many awakening practices spark shifts but don’t address the root layers of trauma and limiting beliefs. This training fills that gap by integrating trauma-informed breathwork, spiritual psychology, quantum metaphysics, and pranic energy activation—bridging emotional healing with energetic and soul-level alignment.


Through consciously connected breathing, you’ll access the zero-point field, allowing the soul to breathe the body, release stored trauma, and expand pranic energy through the nervous system and crystalline structures. This work not only transforms your inner landscape but empowers you to guide others through deep, lasting change.


Prana Vida Expanded Breathwork
Practitioner Training

March 20-23

Four Points By Sheraton In Grande Prairie, AB

" What people say "

I feel like I actually breathed for the very first time from my feet to me head without any constriction like just I don’t think I e ever breathed like that before. Like to have one complete breath. My chest was up like 6 inches and completely grounded in expansion. ~ S.J

I have tried a lot of other breathwork sessions and Marianne is by far my favorite teacher. You feel her love, and the energy that she holds is of a master. I trust her 100% with my energy ~ J.L

Everything is as it should be. I released the mother wound. I have figured out my purpose and I don’t have to search outside of myself for who I am ~ Client

I whole heartedly am still on the vibrational high. I feel so much love, it’s so beautiful ~ S.B

I felt so much relief and expansion and confirmation. I went somewhere I haven’t been it was a remembering to tap into me more often in another way that I haven’t. I recognize that I have everything within. Initially I had a pain on my head and I felt energetically and then had a release and have no more pain. 

It was a beautiful experience, I felt the high and the low and the embodiment within myself ~ J.P

I have had the pleasure of watching Marianne step into a powerful role as a guide in her practice. She is kind and yet tough as she guides the body, soul and mind into the exact place that I needed to be. I was able to touch the places deep within and let them been seen in the safe container that Marianne holds. ~ L.W


You Are The One You've Been Waiting For
Copy of Copy of Prana Vida Breath Pic banner (Logo).jpg

Prana Vida Expanded Breathwork Practitioner Training

Four Points Sheraton Hotel
Grande Prairie, Alberta
4 Day In-Person Retreat
March 20 - 23

Unlock Your True Potential & Transform Your Personal and Professional Life.​

This transformative 2-part training is designed to empower you with the tools, principles, and confidence to become an embodied and impactful Prana Vida Breathwork Facilitator.

The Details



4-Day Live, In-Person Retreat

Step into a sacred space of growth, connection, and self-discovery during this retreat-style training. Over four immersive days, you’ll dive into the foundational practices and principles of Prana Vida Breathwork in a supportive and intimate environment.


  • All-Inclusive Experience: Focus fully on your growth with daily breakfast, lunch, and refreshments provided.

  • Hands-On Learning: Build a solid foundation through live demonstrations, partner practice, and real-time feedback.

  • Sacred Community: Connect deeply with like-minded individuals who are equally committed to transformation and growth.This retreat lays the groundwork for integrating and mastering your skills as you progress to Part 2.





8-Week Integration Portal​ & Spiritual Business Bootcamp

Following the retreat, deepen your journey in this virtual integration portal, which is designed to anchor your learning and refine your abilities:

  • Anchor Your Knowledge: Solidify the techniques and principles you’ve learned, allowing them to fully land within your practice.

  • Collaborate & Refine: Work with peers to develop your natural gifts, gather feedback & testimonials, and build confidence as a facilitator.

  • Embody Transformation: Treat yourself as your first client by living and embodying the principles of Prana Vida Breathwork, ensuring you serve others from a balanced and authentic space.



Who This Training Is For:

As the healers, mystics, coaches and practitioners of the world, you are the spiritual warriors! Now more than ever it’s becoming so vital to do the inner work, so you can keep serving others from a place of integrity and energetic hygiene that's clear and in alignment with your soul's calling.


Becoming a great Breathwork Facilitator starts with understanding the practice, living by its principles, and embodying its ethics. This two-part training ensures you are fully prepared to step into your role as a confident and ethical facilitator, ready to transform lives—including your own.


This training is set to take place during the Spring Equinox, making it perfect for the next evolution of your personal and professional life. Get initiated by the divine luminous spirit, and tune into your channel and sacred service. 


Are you ready to unlock your full potential?​



What You'll Learn:

Breathwork Techniques: 3,6,9 Divinity Breath, Heart Crystal Activation, Mother Wave, and Pranayama Fundamentals


Energetic Healing: Chakra Balancing, Aura Work, Acupressure Therapy, Crystal Placement


Spiritual Growth: Principles of Spiritual Psychology, Trauma-Informed Breathwork, Past Life Regression, Quantum Soul Code Awakening



Practical Skills:

8 week post-integration portal to further your understanding and practice with study pods to deepen your skill set. Included in your tuition is also a SPiritual Business Bootcamp to help you tune into your soul's calling and serve your clients as you build your business for success.



Transform Your Life & Practice:

By awakening your souls calling, reprogramming subconscious patterns, and expanding your consciousness. This training empowers you to heal holistically, clear energetic imprints, and master trauma informed approaches, aligning with your higher purpose while guiding others through profound transformation.



Healing & Expansion:

Through a blend of Prana Vida Breathwork, Spiritual Psychology, and Trauma-Informed Training, you'll heal unresolved trauma, emotions, and limiting beliefs. This work empowers you to reclaim your power and raise your level of consciousness - for yourself, your family, your clients, and the world.​



Become a Clear Channel:

Step into your role as a divine leader with this entry level training. Heal, expand, and guide others to transformation through the power of breath.​​

Dates & Location

March 20 - 23, 2025

 Four Points By Sheraton In Grande Prairie, AB



Founding Prana Vida Member Pricing Includes:


4 Day In Person Retreat Style Training 

Break & Lunch Provided Daily

Coffee, Tea & Water Ongoing 

8 Week Post Integration Portal with live calls and support


Pay In Full ​$1599 per person 

(Payment Plans Available)



  • Who are your clients?
    Women just like you who are willing and ready to commit to change and seeing massive shifts with amazing results. When you decide that you want what you want and you are going to do anything to get there! Then you are ready for the work and magic to happen! I work with amazing Soul Sister Friends who are: Creative Entrepenures Spiritual Practitioners Healers Life Coaches Biz Bitches ;) Single Moms Stay at Home Momma's Solo Business Owners Women with or who have ever suffered from low self esteem, constant negative mental thoughts and emotions, being or feeling stuck in stagnance, lack responisbility in their life, shammed or abused into believing that they're not good enough, unloved, ugly, undeserving or unworthy or suffer from panic attacks. I am not a medical doctor, so if you are experiencing extreme symptoms please seek medical attention from a licensed physician. HOWEVER I have been told that I go where psychologists don't go and I do have a massive abitlity to hold the deepest loving container for radical transformation so the nature of life events can shift in a neutral, total non judgement, uplifting, complete acceptance for one to integrate and evolve :) I want to work with YOU!!! I am here to help women open and love their entire package so that they can then make a Signature Program to love and lift others with a heart cenetered strategy that works!! Book your Free Trueself Discovery Call Today!! Click here:
  • What makes you different from other Business & Transformational Life Style Coaches?
    I have been developing myself for the last 20 years. I am an experienced practitioner of many spiritual modalities that I use in everything I do, especially in all my Mastermind Programs & group coaching. By using our Mind Body Intelligence I believe is the only way to seeing and benefiting from real results. When we connect into the mental and emotional structures that live stream consiousness into creation as real form and time. You can anticipate that the work that we will be doing together at times may get uncomfartable... as you begin to move towards yourself and the old paridigms begin to shift there is usually a period where the belief patterns want to keep you in the same place because the body & mind know this to be "true" & "safe" it has become a habit of repetition and show up as energy leaks everywhere in life particularily when we want to create a new life or get our business making 5, 6 or 7 figures!! This is where I come in as your personal energy forklift! I will be there guiding you through this new energy. Helping you develop the tools and systems for setting you up so you learn how to shift your energy FAST and get better, better confidence, accountability that all the resistance has now shifted and you are running new programs with new positive habits that give you results that fuel your business and skyrocket cash flow becaise you now deliver huge value to your clients!!! AND IT'S ALL POSSIBLE!!! You CAN do this!!! Negaitive mental constructs are that old tape just playing the old same song and your goals and visions are what is desiring to be expressed!! The old is wanting to be reinvented or dropped completely and be transformed into FREEDOM!! This work we will be doing together is for those of you reading this who have been ready for change and believe that you are here to show up and lead with their gifts because they know they can help others evolve and help our planet with transformational growth & LOVE!! And I need you to know that it is no small thing this journey you have decided to embark on... but the rewards are WORTH EVERYTHING!! I know this is so powerful and amazing because I too have experienced so much in this life. From Abuse physically, mentally & emotionally.. I have been in very dark places running the same repeating patterns I can't do this belief of low confidence, self worth and that's exactly what I kept manifesting!! It kept showing up in my life until I DECIDED to make real change. NOW I am so blessed and have been guided to create these MASTERMINDS, RETREATS AND PROGRAM SERIES to help women just like you. To catapault the ones who are willing to walk towards themselves even when its scarey as F$*#!!!!!!! AND TO KEEP LEANING IN. And bust down resistance cause let's be real here.. we all have a story and it's totally up to you if you want to let it keep calling the shots in your life so you can keep seeing the same results OR.... are you ready to decide today and let those stories skyrocket you into your purpose so you can start living the life you truly want being supported ALL the way through it! A VISION WITH NO STRATEGY IS ONLY AN ILLUSION!!! If you're ready to STOP wasting time and leaking your energy and your power where it doesn’t belong. Instead get focused on generating leads into empowerment now. Sign Up & Book A FREE Call Today!! I don’t beat around bushes or waste time. You may not like what I have to tell you – but you can be sure I will always tell you the truth. The truth about what’s standing in the way of your success and how to get rid of it FAST and take your power back and align with your inner & outer consiousness and CULTIVATE YOUR HIGHER POWER! Although I am coaching through personal experience. I have tried therapy, counseling and many other types of professional help. What I found was that they wanted to re-live all your mistakes and experiences over and over again, really keep you in that victim mentality. I was told its ok, you were brought up that was its not your fault. It just didn’t work for me, I’ve never considered myself as a victim, and my parents did the best they could. If you truly want to change you cannot keep reliving your past mistakes. You need to decide and be committed! It's saying... "I’m done! I’m not doing this anymore, I can accept help because I'm ready for change! I'm ready for success! I can do this!! I'm here to help you 150% take 150% full responsibility for your life good, bad, and ugly!! I know what works I’ve tried it all. I’ve read hundreds of personal development, and law of attraction books. I’ve attended seminars took courses and narrowed it down to what’s key to create lasting change. Here’s what I know for sure, if you’re not ready to commit to changing your life, really getting brutally honest with yourself where you’re at and how you feel, you’re not ready and nothing me or anyone else can say or show you is going to work for you. There’s no magic wand, no bop on the head your healed. It’s a decision a commitment you need to be ready to take ownership of your life and to do the work. It takes time and effort to reprogram your subconscious beliefs. You have to be ready to invest in yourself! I am fully committed in helping you get through eveything standing in your way and I am honoured and EXCITED to be on this journey with you!! Book a free call with me today. Let's get going!!
  • What type of people are your programs NOT going to work for?
    From my personal experinece if I wasn't truly ready to change then it didn't matter who or what that tried to help me, I was going to resist their offerings and teachings! The programs I offer are NOT for those who don't believe in investing in their growth & development. I find that when people are in financial crisis they tend to not trust the recommendations I give or do not do the work. I can say it would most likely be because they are stressed and worried about how they will pay bills and feed children and it just isn't a good fit for anyone on anyside. It's all good though cause I/we have all been through tough financial times. * I reccomend that before we continue on you try and: Get some extra funds coming in with a part-time or full-time job and then connect with me. You will have more freedom in choice and it will be easier for you to make solid decisions and give you more clarity and peace of mind. * You can sign up on my FREE FACEBOOK GROUP CULTIVATE YOUR HIGHER POWER. To help support you in moving toward your goals until you’re ready to work with me one-on-one. * You can also like and follow my FREE FACEBOOK PAGE Doing these three things will really help you get prepped and prepared for our work. When you’re ready, call me and we’ll get you started. (I’m in no hurry and I will be ready to be in servive for you when you need me.) Another kinds of personalities I won’t work with for lack of better words are the whiner major skeptic type, or people who consistently make excuses for not getting their assignments done or challenge me, others or just every aspect of the program. If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not apply to any of my programs simply because we’ll probably just not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Does that resonate with you? If you're reading this and you feel excitment or nervous that's good news because there's something in your knowing that's calling you to take action!!! Start leaning into that and book a free call! I promise you will end the call with better clairty on a few things. 1. Clairty on the direction of your business and what your next steps are to achieving your goals and dreams!! 2. To see if we are a good fit to work together and make huge impact by getting you set up for huge success!! Here's the link to schedual your FREE Breakthough Clarity Call:
  • What kind of results can I expect?
    If you are already here reading this then you are ready for change!! Next step, take responsability and get into action & answer the desire of what's calling you!! If you show up everyday and apply the strategies in the program & get to work you will get results!! Everything is easy to follow like a road map, that keeps you staying in your own lane and is set up for success. Apply the blue print and you will get massive growth by crystal clear clarity of what you need to do. You get weekly check in calls and 1-1 strategy sessions designed to keep you focused and moving forward to breaking through those resistance barriers so you keep reaching your goals!! You are a master of your creations and can do this!! It is all possible and it's your birthright to succeed. There will be a certain high level of dedication and that you should ask of yourself, if you really want to see the benefits you seek! Everyone tends to process information on different levels, I will be assisting and watching and offering guidance when or if we get to the challenging parts of the process! It's leaning into to this piece cause it's where the transformation lies and where there's a lingering energy leak that needs assistance. It's a beautiful process and one that gives huge rewards when we can accept it and keep moving anyways. When we don't have support in this step we usually don't change and stay stuck. That's why it's so important to hiring a mentor and joining a mastermind or coaching program!! This Cultivate Your Higher Power In 40 Days 3 month program/bootcamp is designed to: Breakthrough your resistance & limiting beliefs and lay a solid foundation in success. Get you crystal clear clarity in your services you offer for profit. How to package yourself. What steps you need to take in making it in the online world. How to create FB ads & Funnels to grow your list. How you are going to offer massive impact and deliver value in your with your transformational business and signature program. Offer you major support & accountability so that you continue to have great RESULTS!!! Easy to follow modules and blue prints that make is easy to implement into your business model. Weekly Q&A calls. Private 1-1 True Self Discovery & Strategy Calls to dive deep into where you are and personal steps you need to work on and what's ready to be released. "Get excited" as my mentor always says when you start to feel the "burn" of your efforts and you want to quit. It's definetly not time to do that but time to lean in & get to work!!! Breakthrough is just around the corner!! Everything is set up in a specific way and you just have to follow and ask lots of questions and make a commitment to yourself that you are ready!! And CAN DO THIS!!! You are so supported more that you know. I am really honored to help you get there. However some clients are so ready that they breakthrough those inner shifts and transform into their success very quickly and in a very short time while others just have some layers to get through first. It also depends on how far along you are in recognizing your own patterns and beliefs and how quickly you can integrate. Accountability is 80% of you showing up everyday to reach those goals and other 20% is letting go and trusting the process. ALL IS GOOD! and in perfect timing :) So you beautiful Consious Creator, what are you waiting for?? Let's get going.. Apply Today!
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Choose your pricing plan

  • Prana Vida Breathwork Level 1

    Lock-In This One Time Special Founding Member Pricing
    Valid for one year
    • *Includes Bonus:
    • 8 Week Spiritual Business Bootcamp
    • Valued at $4288
    • Special Rate For 1:1 Sessions
  • Prana Vida Breathwork Level 1

    Lock-In This One Time Special Founding Member Pricing PAYMENT PLAN OPTION $500 Deposit - Then billed $286.34 monthly for 4 months.
    Valid for one year
    • *Includes Bonus:
    • 8 Week Spiritual Business Bootcamp
    • Valued at $4288
  • Prana Vida Breathwork Training

    Every month
    Payment Option 2 *Note* If you want tailored payment structure, I am happy to find something that works. Just reach out and we'll find a solution.
    Valid for 8 months
    • *Includes Bonus:
    • 8 Week Spiritual Business Bootcamp
    • Valued at $4288

Please don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions or need assistance with a different payment plan.
Fasted way to connect is via email or add me as a friend and message through facebook messenger:

  • Who are your clients?
    Women just like you who are willing and ready to commit to change and seeing massive shifts with amazing results. When you decide that you want what you want and you are going to do anything to get there! Then you are ready for the work and magic to happen! I work with amazing Soul Sister Friends who are: Creative Entrepenures Spiritual Practitioners Healers Life Coaches Biz Bitches ;) Single Moms Stay at Home Momma's Solo Business Owners Women with or who have ever suffered from low self esteem, constant negative mental thoughts and emotions, being or feeling stuck in stagnance, lack responisbility in their life, shammed or abused into believing that they're not good enough, unloved, ugly, undeserving or unworthy or suffer from panic attacks. I am not a medical doctor, so if you are experiencing extreme symptoms please seek medical attention from a licensed physician. HOWEVER I have been told that I go where psychologists don't go and I do have a massive abitlity to hold the deepest loving container for radical transformation so the nature of life events can shift in a neutral, total non judgement, uplifting, complete acceptance for one to integrate and evolve :) I want to work with YOU!!! I am here to help women open and love their entire package so that they can then make a Signature Program to love and lift others with a heart cenetered strategy that works!! Book your Free Trueself Discovery Call Today!! Click here:
  • What makes you different from other Business & Transformational Life Style Coaches?
    I have been developing myself for the last 20 years. I am an experienced practitioner of many spiritual modalities that I use in everything I do, especially in all my Mastermind Programs & group coaching. By using our Mind Body Intelligence I believe is the only way to seeing and benefiting from real results. When we connect into the mental and emotional structures that live stream consiousness into creation as real form and time. You can anticipate that the work that we will be doing together at times may get uncomfartable... as you begin to move towards yourself and the old paridigms begin to shift there is usually a period where the belief patterns want to keep you in the same place because the body & mind know this to be "true" & "safe" it has become a habit of repetition and show up as energy leaks everywhere in life particularily when we want to create a new life or get our business making 5, 6 or 7 figures!! This is where I come in as your personal energy forklift! I will be there guiding you through this new energy. Helping you develop the tools and systems for setting you up so you learn how to shift your energy FAST and get better, better confidence, accountability that all the resistance has now shifted and you are running new programs with new positive habits that give you results that fuel your business and skyrocket cash flow becaise you now deliver huge value to your clients!!! AND IT'S ALL POSSIBLE!!! You CAN do this!!! Negaitive mental constructs are that old tape just playing the old same song and your goals and visions are what is desiring to be expressed!! The old is wanting to be reinvented or dropped completely and be transformed into FREEDOM!! This work we will be doing together is for those of you reading this who have been ready for change and believe that you are here to show up and lead with their gifts because they know they can help others evolve and help our planet with transformational growth & LOVE!! And I need you to know that it is no small thing this journey you have decided to embark on... but the rewards are WORTH EVERYTHING!! I know this is so powerful and amazing because I too have experienced so much in this life. From Abuse physically, mentally & emotionally.. I have been in very dark places running the same repeating patterns I can't do this belief of low confidence, self worth and that's exactly what I kept manifesting!! It kept showing up in my life until I DECIDED to make real change. NOW I am so blessed and have been guided to create these MASTERMINDS, RETREATS AND PROGRAM SERIES to help women just like you. To catapault the ones who are willing to walk towards themselves even when its scarey as F$*#!!!!!!! AND TO KEEP LEANING IN. And bust down resistance cause let's be real here.. we all have a story and it's totally up to you if you want to let it keep calling the shots in your life so you can keep seeing the same results OR.... are you ready to decide today and let those stories skyrocket you into your purpose so you can start living the life you truly want being supported ALL the way through it! A VISION WITH NO STRATEGY IS ONLY AN ILLUSION!!! If you're ready to STOP wasting time and leaking your energy and your power where it doesn’t belong. Instead get focused on generating leads into empowerment now. Sign Up & Book A FREE Call Today!! I don’t beat around bushes or waste time. You may not like what I have to tell you – but you can be sure I will always tell you the truth. The truth about what’s standing in the way of your success and how to get rid of it FAST and take your power back and align with your inner & outer consiousness and CULTIVATE YOUR HIGHER POWER! Although I am coaching through personal experience. I have tried therapy, counseling and many other types of professional help. What I found was that they wanted to re-live all your mistakes and experiences over and over again, really keep you in that victim mentality. I was told its ok, you were brought up that was its not your fault. It just didn’t work for me, I’ve never considered myself as a victim, and my parents did the best they could. If you truly want to change you cannot keep reliving your past mistakes. You need to decide and be committed! It's saying... "I’m done! I’m not doing this anymore, I can accept help because I'm ready for change! I'm ready for success! I can do this!! I'm here to help you 150% take 150% full responsibility for your life good, bad, and ugly!! I know what works I’ve tried it all. I’ve read hundreds of personal development, and law of attraction books. I’ve attended seminars took courses and narrowed it down to what’s key to create lasting change. Here’s what I know for sure, if you’re not ready to commit to changing your life, really getting brutally honest with yourself where you’re at and how you feel, you’re not ready and nothing me or anyone else can say or show you is going to work for you. There’s no magic wand, no bop on the head your healed. It’s a decision a commitment you need to be ready to take ownership of your life and to do the work. It takes time and effort to reprogram your subconscious beliefs. You have to be ready to invest in yourself! I am fully committed in helping you get through eveything standing in your way and I am honoured and EXCITED to be on this journey with you!! Book a free call with me today. Let's get going!!
  • What type of people are your programs NOT going to work for?
    From my personal experinece if I wasn't truly ready to change then it didn't matter who or what that tried to help me, I was going to resist their offerings and teachings! The programs I offer are NOT for those who don't believe in investing in their growth & development. I find that when people are in financial crisis they tend to not trust the recommendations I give or do not do the work. I can say it would most likely be because they are stressed and worried about how they will pay bills and feed children and it just isn't a good fit for anyone on anyside. It's all good though cause I/we have all been through tough financial times. * I reccomend that before we continue on you try and: Get some extra funds coming in with a part-time or full-time job and then connect with me. You will have more freedom in choice and it will be easier for you to make solid decisions and give you more clarity and peace of mind. * You can sign up on my FREE FACEBOOK GROUP CULTIVATE YOUR HIGHER POWER. To help support you in moving toward your goals until you’re ready to work with me one-on-one. * You can also like and follow my FREE FACEBOOK PAGE Doing these three things will really help you get prepped and prepared for our work. When you’re ready, call me and we’ll get you started. (I’m in no hurry and I will be ready to be in servive for you when you need me.) Another kinds of personalities I won’t work with for lack of better words are the whiner major skeptic type, or people who consistently make excuses for not getting their assignments done or challenge me, others or just every aspect of the program. If you are one of these people, I gently and respectfully ask that you not apply to any of my programs simply because we’ll probably just not work well together and I wouldn’t want you to waste your time or money. Does that resonate with you? If you're reading this and you feel excitment or nervous that's good news because there's something in your knowing that's calling you to take action!!! Start leaning into that and book a free call! I promise you will end the call with better clairty on a few things. 1. Clairty on the direction of your business and what your next steps are to achieving your goals and dreams!! 2. To see if we are a good fit to work together and make huge impact by getting you set up for huge success!! Here's the link to schedual your FREE Breakthough Clarity Call:
  • What kind of results can I expect?
    If you are already here reading this then you are ready for change!! Next step, take responsability and get into action & answer the desire of what's calling you!! If you show up everyday and apply the strategies in the program & get to work you will get results!! Everything is easy to follow like a road map, that keeps you staying in your own lane and is set up for success. Apply the blue print and you will get massive growth by crystal clear clarity of what you need to do. You get weekly check in calls and 1-1 strategy sessions designed to keep you focused and moving forward to breaking through those resistance barriers so you keep reaching your goals!! You are a master of your creations and can do this!! It is all possible and it's your birthright to succeed. There will be a certain high level of dedication and that you should ask of yourself, if you really want to see the benefits you seek! Everyone tends to process information on different levels, I will be assisting and watching and offering guidance when or if we get to the challenging parts of the process! It's leaning into to this piece cause it's where the transformation lies and where there's a lingering energy leak that needs assistance. It's a beautiful process and one that gives huge rewards when we can accept it and keep moving anyways. When we don't have support in this step we usually don't change and stay stuck. That's why it's so important to hiring a mentor and joining a mastermind or coaching program!! This Cultivate Your Higher Power In 40 Days 3 month program/bootcamp is designed to: Breakthrough your resistance & limiting beliefs and lay a solid foundation in success. Get you crystal clear clarity in your services you offer for profit. How to package yourself. What steps you need to take in making it in the online world. How to create FB ads & Funnels to grow your list. How you are going to offer massive impact and deliver value in your with your transformational business and signature program. Offer you major support & accountability so that you continue to have great RESULTS!!! Easy to follow modules and blue prints that make is easy to implement into your business model. Weekly Q&A calls. Private 1-1 True Self Discovery & Strategy Calls to dive deep into where you are and personal steps you need to work on and what's ready to be released. "Get excited" as my mentor always says when you start to feel the "burn" of your efforts and you want to quit. It's definetly not time to do that but time to lean in & get to work!!! Breakthrough is just around the corner!! Everything is set up in a specific way and you just have to follow and ask lots of questions and make a commitment to yourself that you are ready!! And CAN DO THIS!!! You are so supported more that you know. I am really honored to help you get there. However some clients are so ready that they breakthrough those inner shifts and transform into their success very quickly and in a very short time while others just have some layers to get through first. It also depends on how far along you are in recognizing your own patterns and beliefs and how quickly you can integrate. Accountability is 80% of you showing up everyday to reach those goals and other 20% is letting go and trusting the process. ALL IS GOOD! and in perfect timing :) So you beautiful Consious Creator, what are you waiting for?? Let's get going.. Apply Today!

Do you have more questions? Please don't hesitate to ask me.
Contact me today!


Seperation, Limited Mind, Looping Thoughts, Self Judgement, Blame, Handing power to the external world, financial issues.


Stress, worry, fear, anxiety, disharmony, victimhood, trauma, stored emotions, self sabatoge, imposter syndrome.


Divine connection, love, confidence, gratitude, joy, new hope, acceptance, safe to be seen, soul lightcodes, intuition, healthy decisions.


Birth your purpose, embody your gifts, stand in your power, take action, emotional & spiritual sovereignty, empowered boundaries.




Upcoming Events

  • Prana Vida Breathwork Spirit River, AB
    Prana Vida Breathwork Spirit River, AB
    Feb 20, 2025, 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.
    Dragonflies Den - Spirit River, AB, Spirit River, AB T0H, Canada
    Breathe, Heal & Transform: Join The Pranapalooza Breathwork Tour Experience
  • Session One - Prana Vida Breathwork ~ Beaverlodge, AB
    Session One - Prana Vida Breathwork ~ Beaverlodge, AB
    Feb 23, 2025, 1:00 p.m. – 3:00 p.m.
    NuVista Energy Centre(The Pool Building), Town of, 1016 4 Ave, Beaverlodge, AB T0H 0C0, Canada
    Prana Vida Breathwork is a unique, trauma-informed modality designed to help you clear stagnant energy, unlock emotional blocks, and activate your highest potential. This isn’t just breathwork—it’s a sacred journey of healing and expansion through the breath.
  • Session Two - Prana Vida Breathwork ~ Beaverlodge, AB
    Session Two - Prana Vida Breathwork ~ Beaverlodge, AB
    Feb 27, 2025, 6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.
    NuVista Energy Centre(The Pool Building), Town of, 1016 4 Ave, Beaverlodge, AB T0H 0C0, Canada
    Prana Vida Breathwork is a unique, trauma-informed modality designed to help you clear stagnant energy, unlock emotional blocks, and activate your highest potential. This isn’t just breathwork—it’s a sacred journey of healing and expansion through the breath.
Meet The Founder Marianne

Spiritual Mentor, Transformational Guide & Divine Leader Activator, Mother and Author. Hi I'm Marianne, an advanced multidimensional spiritual healer with 28 years of experience in the Holistic & Wellness Industry. I am a lover of all things spiritual and passionate about guiding others toward their true power, purpose, and divine alignment. My work is rooted in deep research, personal experience, and a commitment to integrating practices that help us evolve, expand, and heal so we can embody our purpose and serve our soul-aligned clients with confidence. ​ I speak from experience—I’ve walked the path myself. My journey began at 15, after a near-death experience that sparked the remembrance of my soul’s true calling to be a healer. At that time, I was deeply impacted by blocked sexual trauma that manifested in my subconscious mind, leading to further trauma cycles. I gave my power to the external world, struggling to stand in my own energy and worth. As the black sheep of my family, my spiritual connection wasn’t accepted, but I always remained in communion with spirit, living my own spiritual path. ​ During those years, I sought connection and higher states of consciousness through drugs and raves, but this only reinforced victim cycles and unresolved trauma. I attracted abusive relationships, worked in strip clubs, and sought validation externally, believing that love and success were things I had to earn from the outside world. It was a painful but powerful lesson that the true key to healing was always within me. ​ Through deep inner work, mentorship, and healing, I became a Spiritual Psychology and Trauma Coach, discovering the profound truth that time isn’t linear and that our souls carry records of trauma until we consciously heal them. This led me to found Prana Vida Breathwork, a unique modality that blends spiritual psychology, trauma-informed principles, divinity consciousness, soul & energetic anatomy and bodywork. It not only serves as a powerful tool for healing but also a platform to train others to support clients with deep, complex trauma. ​ Today, I guide soulful women, spiritual entrepreneurs, and healers in overcoming resistance, stepping out of their programming, and breaking through the blocks that keep them from their fullest potential. Through my Inner Attraction System, I help you align your frequency with your dreams and desires, enabling you to make the impact you were destined for, serve with massive value, and receive the abundance you deserve. ​ As the founder of Cultivate Your Higher Power the energy is shifting to the Divine Leader Academy, where I offer certifications in Prana Vida Breathwork, Trauma-Informed Coaching, Spiritual Psychology, and Quantum Akashic Clearing. These programs go beyond surface-level solutions, addressing the whole being to help you cultivate your higher power, amplify your confidence, and build a business aligned with your divine mission. ​ Known for my ability to dive deep - beyond the surface - some say I've gone deeper than any traditional psychologist and saved them years and thousands of dollars from working with me. I’ve had the honour of guiding hundreds of women through various paths be it, 1:1 sessions, classes, workshops, past programs, or healing retreats. Together, we redefine, repackage, and elevate your unique gifts. My approach is a reflection of my own healing journey, and I help you do the same by unlocking your highest potential, no matter the depth of trauma or emotional baggage. ​ Whether through personalized mentorship under Cultivate Your Higher Power or group activations I’ll help you discover clarity, align with your higher self, and skyrocket your success. We’ll break through resistance, release old agreements, and step boldly into your empowerment, vision, and purpose. ​ I am here to show up 150% for you, every step of the way. Are you ready to unlock your power and rise as the divine leader you were born to be?

Founding Member Pricing Includes:


4 Day In Person Retreat Style Training 

Break & Lunch Provided Daily

Coffee, Tea & Water Ongoing 

8 Week Post Integration Portal with live calls and support


$1599 per person 


Payment plan to suit your needs

secure your spot

Rates will be rising to $2222




Choose your pricing plan

  • Prana Vida Breathwork Level 1

    Lock-In This One Time Special Founding Member Pricing
    Valid for one year
    • *Includes Bonus:
    • 8 Week Spiritual Business Bootcamp
    • Valued at $4288
    • Special Rate For 1:1 Sessions
  • Prana Vida Breathwork Level 1

    Lock-In This One Time Special Founding Member Pricing PAYMENT PLAN OPTION $500 Deposit - Then billed $286.34 monthly for 4 months.
    Valid for one year
    • *Includes Bonus:
    • 8 Week Spiritual Business Bootcamp
    • Valued at $4288
  • Prana Vida Breathwork Training

    Every month
    Payment Option 2 *Note* If you want tailored payment structure, I am happy to find something that works. Just reach out and we'll find a solution.
    Valid for 8 months
    • *Includes Bonus:
    • 8 Week Spiritual Business Bootcamp
    • Valued at $4288

Should you need assistance with a different payment plan please don't hesitate to reach out. I am happy to support you in finding a solution.

This journey is about more than certification - it’s about stepping into your divine purpose, healing yourself, and empowering others to transform their lives. Together, we’ll create a ripple effect of healing, balance, and light.


Healing in Community
Working in groups accelerates growth because we get to be witnessed in our healing and leadership while holding space for others is what truly makes an impact. When one heals, we all heal. Together, we dismantle old, stagnant programs of safety, control, and approval, clearing out limiting emotions and empowering each other to rise.


Join Us on a Life-Changing Journey

This training provides a sacred space for your personal healing while empowering you to step into service as a skilled Prana Vida Breathwork Practitioner. Embody your role as a catalyst for healing and transformation by aligning with your divine inner wisdom and answering the call of your sacred soul's purpose. Unlock your unlimited pranic potential and step into mastery over your mind, body, and soul.

Join the Movement Of Awakening ONE BILLION People

"When ONE Heals We ALL Heal"

Disclaimers: This course is for educational use only. Starting your own coaching business comes with risk. Please, consult your professional advisor before making any financial decisions or investments.

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